A trademark is a sign used to identify the goods and services of different merchants. A trademark can consist of words (including individuals’ names), signs, design patterns, letters, typefaces, numbers, graphic elements, colors, sounds, smells, the shape of goods or their packaging, and any combination of the above signs. Marks that can be expressed in writing or drawing can be registered as trademarks.
A qualified trademark must consist of a mark with distinctive characteristics and at least one classification of goods/services. Therefore, before registration, the classification of the registered trademark must be clear.
Once a trademark is registered, you can have the exclusive right to use the trademark with respect to related goods and services. If other merchants use the trademark for the same or similar goods or services in Hong Kong without consent, it constitutes an infringement, and the trademark owner can take legal action in this regard.
Hong Kong trademark registration services include:
Free preliminary search (only for trademarks with text)
Preparation of documents and authorization
Document submissions to the Intellectual Property Department
Personnel follow up on the progress of registration
Objection handling if the client’s application is being objected
Registration certificate pick-up on behalf of the client
Preliminary assessment at the Intellectual Property Department:
Applicants can optionally assess the risks of registration before applying, which helps minimize the chance of being rejected by the authorities or objected by the third party.
Hong Kong Trademark Registration
Information required if the applicant is a company:
Company’s registration certificate
Company’s business registration
Trademark pattern/text to be registered
Category of trademark to be registered
Information required if the applicant is an individual:
Personal identification document(s)
Trademark pattern/ text to be registered
Category of trademark to be registered
First class
Each additional class